Monday, 17 June 2013


Silence of Thought

A quiet, calm, mind is a necessity
If one is to face correctly the problems of this world.
A mind capable of entering that state of golden silence
Where the river of one’s understanding flows deep
Beyond word and thought
To the place where intellect meets with spirit

Bathing in the mysterious light of true creativity
Conceiving intuition
The unblemished mirror of the soul
Reflects each problem into a fragment of the total solution
Rendering a mind that toys with words and images of truth
Into that mind where truth communes through words and images

© thePoetGeo 2013

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Obsession Is


Obsession Is

Your life pivoting on a single moment,
mood, mission, or madness;
Believing you were born for a purpose
and living it fully though you die;

Having a star to follow and chasing it
way across the universe until you're lost;
Trampling blinkered or blinded
on all other facets of your days;

Not letting go of a desire
which then grabs a’ hold of you;
Existence squeezed through a lonely portal
because it’s the only door there is.

No woman, no man, no child,
no individual ever made, sent or born;
rove a wave into history's ocean,
unless by an obsession torn.

Passion is an obsession
you choose to embrace;
Obsession is passion
embracing you.

© thePoetGeo 2013

Elegance Is

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Everlasting Hug

An everlasting hug;
Endless kisses;
Eternal love;
That’s what I have.

Consuming fire;
Burning flame;
Glowing coal;
Undying ember.

Long into the timeless night
of infinite universes,
love's arms will reach for you;
Enfolding a perpetual warmth.

Eternal soul alive in two bodies.
Two hearts clasped, in one embrace.

© thePoetGeo 2013

Happiness is

Happiness is;
Log fires and hot drinks
after shivering in snow cold glades;
Air conditioned rooms and cold drinks
after sweltering in heat;
A comfortable sit down
after walking all day;
The energetic stroll
after sitting for hours.

Happiness is;
Soothing escape to quietness
from the crowded room;
Bonding in noisy reunion
following lonely isolation.
And happiness is always liberty
whether eluding captivity or not;
Always every momentary drop
of true and endless love.

Happiness is;
A watershed occasion
poised on a cusp;
Moments when
imbalanced forces inside,
are overridden by chemistry
or return to homeostatic harmony;
Mind noise melting massively
to imbibe quiet sacred reality.

Happiness is soul resonating reverence at natural frequency,
Becoming one with the touching of a love that is real.

© thePoetGeo 2013

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Why do Wise Monks Burn

Why do Wise Monks Burn?

Suicide bomber kills crowd.
Smart-weapon aims to please.
Kindness picks up stray flesh
despoiled meat, once was child.
Mothers infinite love, sobbing.
Another explosive machine arriving.
Soldiers clasp death sticks
heavy gravestones on their backs.
Teeth gnash, orders flow
patriotism a scowling mask.
Saluted flag directs the way
smoke rising from human blood.
Fear, and lies have teeth
propaganda bites the truth.
Artists pimp their profile
as beauty is raped again.
True poets mouths muted
words won't cleanse the hurt.
Suits with smiles hunt money.
Home and genome are trade goods;
The very process of life, commodity;
Expediency, an elbow in an old woman’s face;
Greed-ocracy, a thrusting bayonet;
Demos-cracy, a slit-throat gurgle;
Humanity, a shrieking echo;
Slaves, people to thrash;
Citizens, obstructive pestilence;
Culture, a fucked up scream;
Food, profit and poison.

Shush..., shush... amidst the cacophony
stoic, noble legs, walk gently.
Buddhist sandals avoid insects
respecting profoundly, all living creatures.
A deep breath moment...
Comment on the madness
The light of a pure love becomes hot fire
and a wise monk burns.

© thePoetGeo

Monday, 25 February 2013

Had I Known

For your every scar, my friend
I would have cried a healing tear
letting each one, softly kiss the wound.

For your pain, my friend
I would have supplied a loving kiss
for your every hurting tear.

For your loneliness, my friend
I would have hugged you
with a hundred love poems;

and for your beauty,
I would have launched
a thousand ships.

© thePoetGeo 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Hot Love Hungry


In my heart burns a passion,
a fire,
a consuming flame;
Hotter than all flames,
in all the shimmering stars,
in the universe's vast sky;
Such fire only tamed
by us burning together.

Come burn with me, come
let us melt ourselves
with lightening bolt kisses;
Let us drink un-quenching
of each others flames;
Melting into one pumping heart,
squirting molten love,
spouting, gushing, scorching,
like a river of burning suns.

In my heart runs a river;
Each drop flows, flowing
for your being;
Each wave dancing in joy;
Smoothly caressing, sensing
all nakedness on your skin
as you swim free in me.

Come swim in me, come;
Come drown in my depths;
Surrender to savage whirlpools;
Come surf on thundering waves;
Come lose yourself in the wild
breakers, swelling, plunging,
crashing, foaming, fizzling.

Flow with me like a river;
Let's join our streams,
together into one torrent;
Plunge into me,
as I will dive into you.

Let us fuse and flow
together into one orgasmic ocean;
Surging beyond the silent eye
of life's chaotic storm,
to wash ashore panting
newly born,
on warm sands of love.

In my heart is...
a valley;
Come rest cool in its shadows.
In my heart stands a mountain;
Climb with me to peaceful heights.
In my heart grows wild forest;
Dash with me laughing through tall trees.

In my heart lays jungle, 
enter and be devoured.
In my heart lays poetry, singing
across the lonely deserts of my earth;
A poem singing, chanting, crying,
calling out for your name;
Who are you, who?
Love - true love,
whisper your secret name in my heart.

© thePoetGeo