Sunday, 14 April 2013

Obsession Is


Obsession Is

Your life pivoting on a single moment,
mood, mission, or madness;
Believing you were born for a purpose
and living it fully though you die;

Having a star to follow and chasing it
way across the universe until you're lost;
Trampling blinkered or blinded
on all other facets of your days;

Not letting go of a desire
which then grabs a’ hold of you;
Existence squeezed through a lonely portal
because it’s the only door there is.

No woman, no man, no child,
no individual ever made, sent or born;
rove a wave into history's ocean,
unless by an obsession torn.

Passion is an obsession
you choose to embrace;
Obsession is passion
embracing you.

© thePoetGeo 2013

Elegance Is

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Everlasting Hug

An everlasting hug;
Endless kisses;
Eternal love;
That’s what I have.

Consuming fire;
Burning flame;
Glowing coal;
Undying ember.

Long into the timeless night
of infinite universes,
love's arms will reach for you;
Enfolding a perpetual warmth.

Eternal soul alive in two bodies.
Two hearts clasped, in one embrace.

© thePoetGeo 2013

Happiness is

Happiness is;
Log fires and hot drinks
after shivering in snow cold glades;
Air conditioned rooms and cold drinks
after sweltering in heat;
A comfortable sit down
after walking all day;
The energetic stroll
after sitting for hours.

Happiness is;
Soothing escape to quietness
from the crowded room;
Bonding in noisy reunion
following lonely isolation.
And happiness is always liberty
whether eluding captivity or not;
Always every momentary drop
of true and endless love.

Happiness is;
A watershed occasion
poised on a cusp;
Moments when
imbalanced forces inside,
are overridden by chemistry
or return to homeostatic harmony;
Mind noise melting massively
to imbibe quiet sacred reality.

Happiness is soul resonating reverence at natural frequency,
Becoming one with the touching of a love that is real.

© thePoetGeo 2013